Flavorful Vegetable Dishes for Nutrition

Milk: Soy, almond, or coconut milk enhanced with B12 for a dairy-free source.

Chia Seeds: B12-packed seeds ideal for puddings, smoothies substitute in baking.

Orange Juice: Enjoy a glass of fortified orange juice for a refreshing B12 boost.

Almonds: Snack on almonds for a crunchy source of B12 and healthy fats.

Peanut: Spread peanut butter on toast or use it in sauces for a B12 punch.

Broccoli: Enjoy broccoli steamed, roasted, or stir-fried for its B12 and nutrient content.

Cheese: A dairy option for some vegetarians, cottage cheese contains B12 and protein.

Oats: Enjoy oats in porridge, granola, or baked goods for their B12 content.