1: Supports heart health

Research suggests that these two nutrients are beneficial for heart health and help prevent heart diseases and stroke.

2: Help to boost immunity

It helps strengthen the immune system against germs that cause the common cold and the flu.

3: May improve digestion

Lemon contains a high amount of soluble fibres that help maintain regular bowel movements and also improves digestion.

4: Help to control weight

Fully squeezed lemon in a glass of lukewarm water with a tablespoon of honey can be a magic drink for many as this drink may aid in weight loss.

5: Kidney Stone Prevention

High levels of citric acid present in the fresh fruit as well as the lemon juice concentrate can improve urinary citrate levels two-fold without altering the total urinary volume.

6: May help in oral disorders

We all know that vitamin C is an essential vitamin for teeth and gums. So, being a rich source of vitamin C, lemon is beneficial for oral disorders.

7: Beneficial for skin

Lemons contain high concentrations of vitamin C, which is required to generate collagen. Collagen gives our skin a plump and youthful look.

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8: Good for Hair

Leon is high in vitamin c which boosts collagen and improves hair growth by stimulating hair follicles.