Chill Out with a Sweet Mango Shake

Ingredients: – 2 ripe mangoes – 2 cups of milk  – 2 tablespoons of sugar – 1/2 cup of ice cubes – 1/2 cup of water

1. Peel the mangoes and cut the flesh away from the seed. Chop the mango flesh into small cubes.

2. Place the mango cubes in a blender. Blend until smooth to create a mango puree.

3. Add the chilled milk and sugar to the blender. Blend again until the mixture is smooth and creamy.

4. Add ice cubes to the blender and blend until well incorporated and smooth.

5. Check the shake's consistency. If too thick, add water and blend again.

6. Add vanilla ice cream or condensed milk; blend until well mixed.

7. Pour into glasses, garnish with mint or cardamom, and serve chilled.