Historic Soft Landing on the Moon: India accomplished a significant achievement in the global space race with the successful soft landing of Chandrayaan-3's Vikram Lander module on the lunar surface. This marked a crucial milestone for India's space exploration efforts

Collective Effort: ISRO chief S Somanath highlighted the collaborative nature of the achievement, acknowledging the dedication of thousands of scientists, engineers, staff, industries, and support teams involved in the Chandrayaan-3 project. He emphasized that this success was a result of generations of ISRO leadership and scientists working together.

Acknowledgment and Gratitude: Prime Minister Narendra Modi played a supportive role and was present during the announcement of the successful landing. ISRO's chief thanked PM Modi for his involvement and also expressed gratitude to the Project Director, Missions Operations Director, and other Chandrayaan-3 team members.

Continuity and Progression: The achievement was positioned within the context of India's earlier lunar missions, Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2. The ISRO chief noted that the success of Chandrayaan-3 was built upon the legacy of these previous missions and the contributions of all teams involved in their development.

PM Modi's Applause: Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the scientists at ISRO for their remarkable accomplishment. He described the successful landing as a historic moment that fills the nation with pride and symbolizes the emergence of a new India.

South Pole Landing and Global Status: India's achievement is unique, as the Vikram Lander landed near the South Pole of the moon. This makes India the first country to achieve this feat. It also makes India the fourth nation overall to reach the Moon, following the United States, China, and the erstwhile Soviet Union. This accomplishment is seen as a significant step forward for India's space exploration endeavors.

Mission Realization: Chandrayaan-3's successful landing marks a significant portion of the Rs 600 crore mission realized, paving the way for subsequent phases involving the moon rover's activities and experiments.