Embracing the Beauty of Marigold Blooms

Marigolds thrive in full sunlight. Ensure they receive at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day. 

1. Sunlight:

Water marigolds often in heat. Keep soil moist, avoiding foliage wetting to prevent fungal diseases.


Use well-draining soil for marigolds to prevent root rot; potting mix should drain excess water swiftly.

3. Well-draining soil:

Pinch off spent flowers to encourage more blooms and extend the flowering period of marigolds.

4. Deadheading:

Feed marigolds balanced fertilizer every 2-3 weeks, avoiding excess to prioritize flower growth over foliage.

5. Fertilization:

Apply organic mulch around marigold base for moisture, weed control, and soil temperature regulation.

6. Mulching:

Trim leggy stems for bushier growth and improved air circulation in marigolds.

7. Pruning:

Trim leggy stems for bushier growth and improved air circulation in marigolds.

8. Pest control: